We are going to help JHMS become more educated! Go to our webquest to find your assignment!
2 new sites to find information:
1. For more information about, go to ProCon.org to read about different controversial issues about immigration and other topics your famous people fought against. It fosters critical thinking by providing quality research on hot-button issues in an unbiased pro and con format.
2. CNN Special: Latino in America - The Garcias
- Check out the program online
- Check out the Facebook Page
- There are many links at the bottom of the page. See what is happening in the news today.
~ STOP ~
Go to the webquest now!
Below are more sites if the webquest isn't enough!!
Go to the webquest now!
Below are more sites if the webquest isn't enough!!
1. Go to "Classroom Resources" section of the AFT site, and then go to the Hispanic Heritage Month resource section. There is a lot of information about Sotomayor's trailblazing accomplishments! (Maybe more for teachers?)
2. Check out the "Kids Corner" of the Smithsonian Institute online! This has a great virtual field trip for students.
3. Teacher Vision - "a gold mine for teachers!"
4. The Library of Congress provides a place for many agencies and groups pay tribute to the generations of Hispanic Americans who have enriched our nation and society.
5. Great activities and resources for Hispanic Heritage Month from InfoPlease!
6. Education World - contains trivia, biographical links for projects, and other really good sites for activities.
7. National Register of Historic Places...lesson plans for teachers.
8. Colorin' Colorado - a calendar of celebrations worth checking out.
***check this one out:
lease check out this OUTSTANDING resource, free from WYLD.
Go to the Media Center Homepage http://jhmsteton.sharpschool.com/media_center/
Click on WYLD (second box, second row)
Click the S
Click on "SIRS Researcher"
On the top portion of the page are four tabs.
Click on the 4th tab that says "Database Features"
Click on Curriculum Pathfinders
On the yellow bar, click on your subject matter (Math, Science, Social Studies, LA, Fine Arts, Health)
This database contains an hundreds of ideas, tools, and links for curriculum topics. It is generously provided for us by the State.
Always wondered about what is politically correct or what all these "names" mean?
1. Hispanic - used by Cubans, Puerto Ricans and other Caribbean people who consider their cultural heritage linked to Spain.
2. Latino (Latina for women) - used by descendents of Latin America (Mexico, Central America, and South America).
3. Chicano (Chicana for women) - used by people of Mexican ancestry wishing to distinguish their heritage from those of other Latin American countries. The term Mexican-American is becoming a popular replacement.
4. Hispaño (Hispaña for women) - used by the direct descendants of Spanish conquistadors and other Spanish settlers of the US southwest (who did not immigrate from Latin America).
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