Thursday, November 18, 2010

Courageous Conversation Week #2

Reminder of our goals:

To create...
  • Equality
  • Understanding
  • Friendship
To stop...
  • Racism
  • Judgement of ourselves and others
  • Using labels - reputations, "them" etc... CHECK out this article!
  • saying our names incorrectly!
  • Hiding ourselves from others due to fear of judgement
To share...
  • our feelings
  • emotions
  • reasons for our actions.
How will these meetings help up?
  • Be friends with everyone.
  • Show how it feels to be judged.
  • Learn more about our culture, parents, etc that will explain why we are the way we are.
  • Understand who we are, where we come from, what pain we feel and how that impacts how we act!
  • Remember to NOT JUDGE a GIRL by her COVER (skin, clothes, hair, actions).
  • Redefine what we stand for....Redefine "popularity"
  • We learned more about each other.  When we learned about each other, we realized we are more alike than different!  We realize that we only see the tip of the ice berg and there is so much more to know.  What we don't know about each other is what helps us connect, be empathetic, and what helps us to be friends!!
  • When someone tells me something "ify" about another person, I will say, "I wonder what is going on in their life that makes them act this way?"
  • Redefine popularity....
  • Think about the iceberg!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Courageous Conversations

Why are we here?

  • To create equality
  • I want to clear up the racist feelings and statements.
  • I want to understand why some people are racist or think it's ok.
  • To stop racism.
  • To build understanding.
  • To end labels and get to know each other.  (Read this article!)
  • To stop judgement.
  • To share our insides and become friends.
Where do we see division in JHMS?

  • Commons:  before school, at lunch
  • At recess
  • In the hallway

What do we need to do?  What should we think about?  Bolded items are our topics this week!

  • Use names instead of labels.
  • Be friendly.  Explore how to be friends.
  • Make up for our past mistakes.
  • Explore why there are "tables" or division in our school.
  • Figure out how to deal with "scary stuff".
  • Explore what creates stereotypes.
  • Explore how my outside looks and behavior affects others.
  • Explore how to deal with peer pressure and judgement.
  • How do we use our "status"?
Remember:  We all judge.  We need to recognize when we are doing it and not act on it negatively!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Tolerance and Prejudice projects

1.  President Obama's Race Speech.

2. Courageous Conversations Group:
  • What is racism?  What is prejudice?  How do I understand this better?  (Powerpoint with info)
  • How do we feel about racism?  (see some reporting)
  • Why should I have a Courageous Conversation about racism in JHMS?
  • Norms - and why they are necessary:  Stay engaged, Expect to experience discomfort, Speak your truth, Accept and Expect a lack of closure, 
  • 7 Steps to having a Courageous Conversation:  
    • Step 1) Choose someone you don't feel 100% wonderful or complete with, but would like to.
    • Step 2) Identify the truth/core of what you want to express. If you were to die today, but could pass a message to each person you know to clean up anything left incomplete, what would that message be? I suggest you list the people you have the strongest feelings about (positive or negative), and write down next to each name the message for them. (Working with a coach can help you get to the core of this, and ensure you are taking responsibility instead of blaming.)
    • Step 3) Identify the worst outcome you can imagine
    • Step 4) Accept that possibility (Let go of the thing you were holding on to e.g. money, being right, staying out of prison, not upsetting someone)
    • Step 5) Remember it's OK to feel uncomfortable - even terrified. Your vocal chords will probably still function. The greater the fear, the more you have to gain. The chances of you dying are normally quite low.
    • Step 6) Remember it's actually possible to have fun with this. After all - it's better than any rollercoaster you can imagine. You are truly living....
    • Step 7) Pick up the phone, share honestly, and take what you get.
After the Conversation?  What then?  The possibilities are endless: